World Asthma Day is May 3rd, 2016. This year’s theme is You Can Control Your Asthma.
There’s no better way to say it, and no message that’s more important. Whether you’re an asthmatic who’s had it for all of your life, like me; or you’ve been diagnosed as an adult; or you’re a parent or caregiver to an asthmatic, we know it can feel like you have no control.
There is hope though, and it’s clear – You Can Control Your Asthma. It’s not a far flung ideal that will be attained someday. Right now, there are steps you can take that will dramatically change your level of control and improve the quality of your life. They’re not necessarily the easiest, but control is attainable.
The aim of World Asthma Day is to raise awareness, care and support for those affected by asthma. Whilst the primary focus is supporting the person with asthma, support may also extend to family, friends and caregivers. World Asthma Day was established in 1998; the first event was set to coincide with the first World Asthma Meeting (WAM) in Barcelona, Spain. Over 35 countries were involved. Over time, World Asthma Day has grown and is widely recognized as the world’s most important asthma awareness event.
As we get closer to World Asthma Day, we’re going to be highlighting some of the steps you can take to effect control; and also some of the great work and studies being done to help all of us in the asthmatic community. If you know of someone, or some group, or some entity whose work should be highlighted, feel free to drop us a line, and we’ll be happy to do that. We’ll do anything we can to help everyone move towards Intelligent Asthma Management.